CRUK Face to Face Fundraising Team with CollecTin

Cancer Research UK Increases Face to Face Fundraising Revenues with Give A Little

Cancer Research UK’s Face to Face Fundraising Team is currently trialling Give A Little with CollecTin donation stations to collect one-off donations and initial results are very positive with both one-off and regular donation revenues increasing as a result!

Written by Vicky Hewlett November 2, 2022
CRUK Face to Face Fundraising Team with CollecTin

We caught up with Cancer Research UK’s In-House Face to Face Manager , Ryan Maule, to find out more. Ryan explains: ‘We had noticed that when we were engaging with the public to encourage people to sign up to monthly direct debit donations, we were letting so many go who wanted to donate but were unable to commit to making a recurring donation at that time. So we started a month trial with a CollecTin donation station, which uses Give A Little software, to see what impact it would have on monthly recruitment. The results of that first trial were really promising. We achieved a higher average donation value than we expected - £7.90  - but we also saw an increase in direct debits too, which was a nice surprise! Direct debits went up by 0.5 new monthly donors per shift  and we put that down to the contactless option raising the morale of the team. It gave our fundraisers a feeling that they were still contributing and a feeling of positivity.’

Cancer Research UK’s In-House Face to Face Manager, Ryan Maule with CollecTin

These positive results have justified a second trial, which is running until the end of the year across various locations in London and the south east including shopping centres and railway stations. Ryan continues: ‘The second trial is going really well and we are seeing a nice improvement in the number of supporters we are getting, which has gone up from a 2.5 to a 2.8 average per shift. The feedback from the team is amazing and we are hoping it will also improve attrition rates (the number of donors who lapse) as we’re giving donors more choice to donate in the way they want to.’ 

‘Being a face to face fundraiser is a physically demanding role. You are on your feet for the whole day and only a small percentage of people stop and speak to you, so to be able to increase what we are offering and have more yeses at the end of the day is really important to us.’

On what he likes about Give A Little, Ryan said: ‘Give A Little is a very easy to use piece of software and CollecTin is a great looking piece of kit. It’s easy to set up and supporters that make donations using it, just understand it. They just pick the amount they want to donate - it’s self guided. Give A Little’s administration dashboard is really useful too as we’re able to create custom campaigns with our branding and also see how much each campaign is raising. We are very happy with the way it looks and works. I started my career as a street fundraiser and have seen the industry change and grow. I’m really glad to be part of an organisation like Cancer Research UK which is introducing new things like this.'

'You guys are doing a really good job and the team is really enjoying using Give A Little and CollecTin.’

If you would like to create a Give A Little account and start collecting cashless donations, please visit

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