
Keep up to date with the world of cashless fundraising, including the latest in cashless technologies and how charities are using Give A Little to further their brilliant causes.

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Give A Little Enhances Device Management Features

Organisations in the Give A Little community are now able to create custom names for their devices and benefit from a range of new and improved device management features.

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Baby Bank chooses Give A Little for their cashless fundraising

After carrying out extensive research to find an affordable way to collect cashless donations, Stripey Stork, a Surrey-based baby bank, chose to go with Give A Little and the CollecTin More contactless donation box.

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CollecTin More contactless donation box now available with Stripe

The popular CollecTin More contactless donation box, which uses Give A Little software, is now available with Stripe.

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Give A Little and CRUK: Celebrating Four Years of Working Together

Give A Little has been helping Cancer Research UK collect cashless donations for over four years and is a key part of the charity's cashless fundraising strategy.

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St. Ann's Hospice Swap Coats for Contactless Donations

St Ann’s Hospice has found an innovative way to collect contactless donations by placing a contactless donation box on the cloakroom counter at corporate partner, the events and conference venue, Manchester Central.

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Give A Little nominated for Museums + Heritage Innovator of the Year

The shortlisted nominees have been announced for the annual Museums + Heritage Awards and we are thrilled to be nominated for Innovator of the Year!

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Feel confident in taking donations anywhere and anytime with Give A Little’s contactless offline donations

Have you ever stood in the middle of a field, waving your phone around to get a signal? Even worse, have you ever done that as a charity with a contactless donation device? Or had to carry a heavy bucket full of coins around all day as you knew there’d be no reliable signal at your event? Those days are now gone with Give A Little contactless offline donations!

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Important contactless giving milestone as charities raise £30m through Give A Little

Give A Little today celebrates that our community of 7,500+ charities has reached the milestone of raising an incredible £30m in cashless donations through the platform.

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Give A Little ‘Invaluable’ to Weston Park Cancer Charity

Weston Park Cancer Charity, which supports patients with cancer both in the community and at their Sheffield based support centre, recently started using Give A Little to collect cashless donations.

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Kingston Theatre Trust uses Give A Little’s DIY approach to collect cashless donations

Rose Theatre in Kingston, one of the largest non-commercial producing theatres in London, has started using Give A Little’s DIY approach to collect cashless donations.

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Boost your income with contactless monthly recurring donations

Wherever you have your donation station, portable device, or DIY point of donation you can now give donors the option to make either a one-off or a regular monthly donation. 

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Independent school gives Give A Little A* for cashless fundraising!

One of the country’s leading schools, St Peter’s School, York has turned to Give A Little to help bring in alternative income.

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Nottingham based heritage site increases donations by 60% by going cashless

Bromley House Library, a heritage site and subscription library founded in 1816, has increased its donations by 60% by moving to cashless fundraising with Give A Little.

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2023 in review: Another year of growth for the Give A Little community

Give A Little®, which helps charities collect cashless donations, has published figures from 2023 that show that adoption of cashless giving continues to grow significantly.

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Wetwheels Foundation are Making Waves with Give A Little

Wetwheels Foundation set sail on their contactless donation journey with Give A Little earlier this year, pointing the compass toward a future where collecting donations wasn’t seen as another obstacle or hazard getting in the way of carrying out their charitable activities.

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Give A Little Welcomes First DIY Product Partner

We are excited to announce our first Do-It-Yourself (DIY) product partner, The 3D Room. Allowing our community of charities to create their own DIY point of donation has been a central part of our aim to be the most easy-to-use, flexible and affordable way for charities to collect cashless donations.

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Give A Little® enhances its campaign reports

Organisations in the charity community using Give A Little are now able to drill down and learn more about their fundraising campaigns thanks to our updated and improved campaign reports.

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Make your Christmas a cracker with contactless donations!

'Tis the season for giving, and as the holiday spirit fills the air, so does the opportunity to make a difference through charity fundraising. If you haven’t adopted cashless technology yet, it’s time to get a jingle on as adoption of contactless donations is growing fast!

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Empower your volunteers with Give A Little Tap on Phone

In 2023, 87% of UK adults own a smartphone! As well as making donations, your charity’s staff and volunteers can now use their Android smartphones to collect donations with our new Tap on Phone service.

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Give A Little® delivers significant innovation in low-cost contactless fundraising with Stripe

Give A Little®, the world’s only point of donation software platform, announces an expansion of its existing relationship with global payments platform Stripe, to deliver significant innovation in low-cost cashless fundraising.

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Give A Little and Stripe ‘a blessing’ for small food bank charity

PACE, a small charity that supports the local community in Charnwood, Leicestershire, with a food bank, counselling and other vital services, recently turned to Give A Little and Stripe to collect cashless donations.

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World’s first balloon dog art trail incorporates contactless fundraising

Give A Little is honoured to play a part in the world’s first balloon dog art trail by enabling visitors to make a contactless donation in aid of Julia’s House Children’s Hospice, which provides care for children with life-limiting conditions across Dorset and Wiltshire.

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Making the most of Giving Tuesday

#GivingTuesday as it’s largely known, first took place in the UK in 2014. Since then, it has grown thanks to the power of social media and the shared desire to make a positive impact on society.

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Bob Willis Fund are bowled over by contactless donations at Blue for Bob Day!

In the ever-evolving landscape of fundraising, charities are continually seeking innovative ways to engage donors and streamline the donation process. One such organisation is the Bob Willis Fund, which recently started to collect contactless donations through Give A Little.

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Heritage Site Increases Contactless Donations Fivefold with Give A Little

Cressing Temple Barns, a 13th century heritage site with Knights Templar Barns and a restored Tudor walled garden, has seen a fivefold increase in donations since introducing contactless donations with Give A Little.

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Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity introduces contactless donations

In their ongoing effort to raise funds for their crucial work, Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity, has embraced Give A Little to collect cashless donations.

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Incorporate contactless giving into your school holidays: Part 2

Welcome to part two of our school holiday feature where we are listing great places to visit during the school holidays where you can also support the organisations' work by making a contactless donation.

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Incorporate contactless giving into your school holidays: Part 1

The school holidays are here, and you know what that means—energetic kids bouncing off the walls, eagerly awaiting new adventures. It's the perfect time to keep them entertained, engaged, and also teach them the importance of giving back to the community.

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Shoeburyness & Thorpe Bay Baptist Church uses DIY approach to create eye-catching point of donation

Shoeburyness and Thorpe Bay Baptist Church, located in the city of Southend-on-Sea in Essex, were looking for an affordable and eye-catching way to collect contactless donations, but kept coming up against high monthly running costs and the cost of the device itself.

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St George’s Warminster ‘overwhelmed’ by funds raised through Give A Little

St George’s Catholic Church, which is situated in South West Wiltshire, in Warminster has recently rolled out cashless giving with Give A Little, to allow its congregation to make both contactless and online donations.

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The Eden Project partners with Give A Little to collect contactless donations

The Eden Project, known for its two giant biomes, has partnered with Give A Little to collect contactless donations to help raise funds for its educational charity and social enterprise work.

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Charities raise £20m in cashless donations through Give A Little

Give A Little today celebrates that the 6,000+ charities on the platform have raised £20m in contactless, Chip + PIN, and online donations, including QR codes.

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Liverpool Cathedral doubles contactless donation revenues during Eurovision

Liverpool Cathedral more than doubled its contactless donation revenues during EuroFestival, a two-week cultural festival, which took place in Liverpool in the lead-up to The Eurovision Song Contest, thanks to Give A Little and the Payaz GivingStation.

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Working Royal Palace Adopts Cashless Fundraising

It’s not every day you are invited to a working Royal Palace for a cup of tea so it was a pleasure to meet the Revd Canon Dr Mark Powell to find out how he is using Give A Little and Payaz to collect contactless donations at St George’s Chapel, which is located in Windsor Castle.

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Charities have bumper month with Give A Little

We have reached the month of May and it’s time to celebrate!

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Give A Little is a “game changer” at CRUK high value events

Cancer Research UK has expanded its use of Give A Little and is now using the platform to collect cashless payments at high value events as well as with corporate partners for employee fundraising and for face to face fundraising.

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Guildhall Art Gallery Adopts Cashless Fundraising

Guildhall Art Gallery, which was opened in 1886 to display the City of London Corporation's growing art collection, has for the first time adopted cashless fundraising to give visitors a way to make contactless donations.

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Empower your volunteers to collect contactless donations

We know that many charities rely on volunteers to help them with fundraising, which is why we designed Give A Little with this in mind. We cover how charities can empower their volunteers to collect contactless donations in the latest installment of our Digital Tips Series.

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War Child significantly increases donations with Give A Little at BRITs Week

War Child, which protects, educates and stands up for the rights of children caught up in conflict, saw a significant increase in donations at this year’s BRITs Week thanks to using Give A Little and CollecTin to collect contactless donations.

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French church opts for Give A Little’s DIY approach to create hand crafted solid oak donation station

The Marian shrine in France known as ‘Notre-Dame du Roncier’ (Our Lady of the Brambles) is a 12th-century-originated listed-grade Roman Catholic basilica with 15th- and 16th-century stained glasses and a 17th-century baroque organ.

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Somerset church raises £2000 a year through Give A Little’s DIY approach

St Andrew’s, a beautiful Grade 1 listed church in Mells, Somerset, has adopted Give A Little’s Do-It-Yourself (DIY) approach to collect contactless donations.

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2022 in review: An impactful year for the Give A Little community

2022 was truly an impactful year for Give A Little and our community of charities using the platform to collect contactless donations.

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Jersey Poppy Appeal raises £4k through Give A Little web campaign and QR Codes

Royal British Legion, Jersey branch turned to Give A Little to help raise cashless donations for their 2022 Poppy Appeal. The branch raised £4,312 through online giving and used unique QR codes to identify how much was raised at 1,000 different locations and collection points on the island.

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Three Ways to Create a DIY Point of Donation

Whether you’re looking to dip your toe in the water with cashless giving or if you’d like to experiment with a more affordable way to collect contactless donations, check our guide to creating a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) point of donation.

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GoodBox and Give A Little - a comparison guide for charities

GoodBox has been a respected player in the contactless donations market since its launch in 2016, fulfilling a much-needed role for many charities. Now that they have sadly gone into administration, we understand that many charities may be worried about finding an alternative.

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Give A Little now open to corporates and other organisations raising charitable funds

The Give A Little platform is now open to a wider range of organisations who are raising cashless funds for charitable purposes.

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Milton Keynes Museum Installs Contactless Donation Points to Raise Funds for New Galleries

While many of us have visited the UK’s national museums, which are funded by the government, over half of our museums are independent and rely on other means of funding including donations from the public. Milton Keynes Museum is one of those and they have recently installed three contactless donation points to help raise funds for an exciting new expansion.

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Cancer Research UK Increases Face to Face Fundraising Revenues with Give A Little

Cancer Research UK’s Face to Face Fundraising Team is currently trialling Give A Little with CollecTin donation stations to collect one-off donations and initial results are very positive with both one-off and regular donation revenues increasing as a result!

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Give A Little launches Gift Aid update

The Give A Little platform is constantly evolving with new features and updates to improve the donor experience. Our latest update provides more choice for the donor around Gift Aid declarations.

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Five Ways to use Give A Little for Fundraising Campaigns, Events and Appeals

Whether you are doing in-person fundraising or encouraging your supporters to fundraise for you, Give A Little can help you maximise your donation revenues in the run up to and during events and campaigns such as Giving Tuesday or UK Charity Week.

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Community Amateur Sports Club Embraces Cashless Fundraising

We caught up with Gareth Wilkinson, Development Volunteer at Leamington Rugby Club, a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC), to find out how the club is using Give A Little to collect cashless donations and why it is so important for the community to support the club’s fundraising campaigns.

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Oxfam face-to-face team collects average donation value of £11.54 through Give A Little

Whilst encouraging donors to sign up for regular giving is often the main focus for charities when engaging with people face-to-face, it is also very important for them to have an option for supporters to give one-off gifts.

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Why charities should use QR codes for fundraising

Welcome to the first installment of our digital fundraising tips series. Find out how easy it is to create a web campaign in just two minutes and share it via a QR code!

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“Give A Little makes my job easier as Treasurer!”

St Mary’s Church in Redbourn has a very engaged congregation with over 300 members and regularly runs a range of events to engage with the local community. Treasurer, Michael Wood, was keen to enable the church to collect cashless donations and sourced a donation kiosk installed with the Give A Little App and software in October 2019.

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Small Cancer Charity Innovates with DIY Approach to Cashless Giving

We love seeing charities create innovative donation points using Give A Little’s DIY approach and Romsey Cancer Support Centre at Jane Scarth House has really impressed us with their portable donation kit and donation pole.

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Give A Little reaches £10m donation milestone

Give A Little today celebrates reaching £10m in donation revenues. This is a significant milestone that reflects over 4,000 charities who have made the move to cashless fundraising with the platform, taking payment card donations via contactless, Chip+PIN and online donations.

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Stripe Integration Launched at Church of England National Giving Conference

The Give A Little team was thrilled to contribute to this year’s Church of England National Giving Conference along with conference sponsor, Stripe.

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Cancer Charity goes cashless

The Fountain Centre, which is located within St Luke's Cancer Centre at the Royal Surrey Hospital, provides holistic and psychological support to cancer patients and their families.

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Cashless Donations are Flying for The Air Ambulance Service

The Air Ambulance Service has had a flying start with their first foray into cashless donations.

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Change Please Foundation Homes in on Cashless Donations

The pandemic has been a big catalyst for the Change Please Foundation to move to cashless, both for their cafes but also for donations.

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Rural Church Doubles Donations with Cashless Giving

St Peter’s Martindale is a rural church in Cumbria with a small congregation that is popular as a stop-off for walkers exploring nearby fells in the Lake District.

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Helping Small Charities Get Started with Cashless Giving

The Noël Coward Foundation is one of the many charities that is currently benefiting from using Give A Little’s free basic account.

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Cashless Donations a Roaring Success at London Zoo

Like many charities, ZSL was forced to launch an emergency appeal during the pandemic. The need to urgently raise funds provided the ideal opportunity to introduce a new way for visitors to make cashless donations when visiting.

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CRUK successfully trials cashless giving with corporate partner Bellway

CRUK (Cancer Research UK), is trialling cashless giving solutions to find new ways for supporters to donate.

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