Sign up to Give A Little’s BIG Fundraising Day!

Don’t miss Give A Little’s BIG Fundraising Day, a free online event on Monday 21st October, featuring must-see sessions from charity sector experts on topics including cashless giving, in-memory and tribute funds and challenge event fundraising.

Written by Vicky Hewlett September 20, 2024

Give A Little’s BIG Fundraising Day Programme

When: Monday 21st October 2024: 9.30am - 1pm

9.30 - 9.45am:
Welcome and intros

9.45am - 10.45am: Give A Little and Cancer Research UK

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Session 1: Benefits and best practice for cashless fundraising success,
how Cancer Research UK has grown and developed their cashless giving with Give A Little 


  • Vicky Hewlett
    , Head of Marketing Communications, Give A Little

  • Emma Rose
    , Senior Charity Community Manager, Give A Little

  • Sophie Keeler
    , Programme Manager, Giving Platforms, Cancer Research UK

Give A Little will share insights on how the 8,800+ charities use the platform to collect cashless donations including some key trends and stats. 

Sophie will take part in an informal conversation to share how CRUK are using Give A Little across corporate partnerships; Face to Face fundraising; community fundraising, mass participation events and high value events.

10.45am - 10.55am:

10.55 - 11.40 am: MuchLoved

Session 2: Turning initial in memory contacts into long term supporters


  • Sally Swann
    , Head of Partnerships, MuchLoved 

  • Jackie Parnell
    , Account Manager, MuchLoved

Working with donors, fundraisers and supporters during times of grief and sadness can be daunting, with many people not knowing what to say, or what they can do to help. 

From our experience we know that some people want to fundraise right after a death, whilst others only feel comfortable to fundraise much further down the line. Fundraising can be a really important part of someone’s bereavement journey and how we work with them makes a huge difference to the outcome.

This session shares insight, tips and tools with you, enabling you to work with your bereaved supporters confidently and with care to build a long-term relationship.

11.40am - 11.50am:

11.50am - 12.35pm:
Run For Charity

Session 3: Helping charities navigate how to grow a successful events programme going into 2025


  • Freddie Harle
    , Managing Director, Run for Charity

Using Run for Charity data, Freddie will talk through the current trends, what has changed, what's new, how to implement a successful challenge events offering and how to effectively save on cost but maximise fundraising potential. Freddie will also go through 'what a charity runner looks like in 2024' to help you formulate a strategy around runner recruitment and which events will be worth pushing in 2025. He will discuss how RFC can help charities of all sizes in this space and the session will end with some final tips for success.

12:35pm - 1pm: Panel and Q&A

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