Graphic of Give A Little new device management features

Give A Little Enhances Device Management Features

Organisations in the Give A Little community are now able to create custom names for their devices and benefit from a range of new and improved device management features.

Written by Vicky Hewlett July 5, 2024
Graphic of Give A Little new device management features

We know that many of you are using multiple devices to collect cashless donations, including contactless donation boxes or donation stations from our partners, CollecTin and Payaz , devices you’ve built using our DIY (Do-It-Yourself) approach or Give A Little Tap on Phone, and that a popular request is to be able to give those devices a custom name.

We have listened and have made a range of new enhancements to the device management section in your Give A Little admin account, which will make keeping a track on which device is which and where your devices are located much quicker and easier.

Custom device names

You can now add custom names to your devices, which will appear in the downloadable Give A Little campaign report alongside the device ID so you can easily track donation revenues by device as well as by campaign names.

Search and filter devices

We have added a time saving feature which allows you to search and filter your devices by name so it’s easy to change campaigns remotely or lock and unlock the Give A Little App menu on multiple devices. This is particularly helpful where you have a number of devices being used to collect donations for an event or an appeal and you don’t want your volunteers or staff to change the campaign themselves.

Enable QuickMode

It is also possible to enable or disable QuickMode via the new devices section in your Give A Little admin account. QuickMode enables you to collect donations more quickly and is ideal for busy environments and queues. When the Give A Little App is set to QuickMode, the donor also does not see the Gift Aid, marketing opt-in or thank you screens and the Give A Little App reverts quickly to the next donation.

Remove devices

We have also added the ability to remove a device from the list, which ensures that your device management section only contains devices in use and is easy to navigate.

We hope you enjoy using these new features and look forward to announcing even more developments and enhancements later this year.

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