The Eden Project partners with Give A Little to collect contactless donations

The Eden Project, known for its two giant biomes, has partnered with Give A Little to collect contactless donations to help raise funds for its educational charity and social enterprise work.

Written by Emma Rose 20 July 2023

The Eden Project has located a CollecTin More contactless donation box, which uses Give A Little software, in its new children’s play area and plans to add more devices to different locations across the site including its biomes.  

After having experienced what they call ‘a nightmare’ trying to find a solution for their contactless donation needs, the Eden Project have started working with Give A Little.  

It was really important to them that the donation points weren’t merely transactional and that’s where we came in. We spoke to Rose Cashley-Field, Membership and Individual Giving Manager:

“Storytelling is a big part of what we do at Eden, but we often struggle to tell our visitors the story of who we are as a charity, and what we do beyond the gardens they see. We were looking for a new contactless donations provider that would allow us to tell our story in an engaging way and Give A Little does just that."

"It’s really exciting that Give A Little allows us to customise the campaign messaging and imagery per device, not just offering our donors an invitation to support us, but an opportunity to show our charitable projects in an interesting way."

"As this first device is going next to our new permanent play area, Nature’s Playground, and will be used by families and school groups, we’ve created a campaign which highlights our work to inspire nature connection for the early years, improving inclusion for school trips, and providing immersive educational workshops. We have also added a fun, animated thank you screen, showing a child on a swing, which we think our donors will really love.”

“We have plans to add more contactless donation devices, which use Give A Little software, throughout Eden over the coming months so if you’re heading down for a visit, please do look out for them and make a donation if you can.”

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