GoodBox and Give A Little - a comparison guide for charities
GoodBox has been a respected player in the contactless donations market since its launch in 2016, fulfilling a much-needed role for many charities. Now that they have sadly gone into administration, we understand that many charities may be worried about finding an alternative.
2022年12月16日We have put a handy guide together to show how Give A Little compares with GoodBox, to help charities looking for other ways to collect cashless donations.
About GoodBox
According to its website,
About Give A Little
Give A Little, which provides point-of-donation software and works with a range of
The team recently celebrated helping those charities raise £10m in donations and this figure is now at £13m and growing. The number of donations made through the platform is climbing fast and currently stands at over a million.
Why Choose Give A Little?
Give A Little aims to be
Charities can choose one or a combination of the following options below to get started with cashless giving:
1. Online Giving via Web/ QR Codes:
Create online campaigns easily from templates, adding custom video, images, donation amounts, and with valuable features like regular monthly giving and QR codes.
2. Contactless Giving - Donation stations & street collection devices:
Purchase portable, handheld devices or fixed donation stations/kiosks from a growing number of device manufacturers including CollecTin and Payaz. These partner companies use Give A Little software so the devices seamlessly work with the platform.
3. Contactless Giving - Do-it-yourself (DIY):
Combine an Android tablet or smartphone and the Give A Little App with a payment card reader to create your own donation station or portable device for street collections.
Comparison stats:
The following stats* show how many charities are using each platform, how much donation revenue has been raised and the number of donations taken.
Give A Little
Number of charities today
Over 2,500
Over 5,000
Number of donations taken
Over 1.8 million
Over 1 million
Donation value raised
Over £10 million
Over £13 million
Give A Little
Fundraising campaign design
Changes to default campaign provided by GoodBox from £50
Self-customise campaigns for free
Donor choice of donation values
One donation value displayed. Donor can change amount by pressing an arrow
Up to six donation values displayed + optional choose your own amount
Donor Gift Aid declarations
Currently unclear
Donor has a range of options
Donor contact GDPR opt-in
Offline donations
Remote device management
Separate Mobile App available to enable custom & DIY solutions
Fundraising via Web campaigns
QR codes
Administration account
- Add users
- Data, insights & metrics.
- Users
- Campaigns
- Pay outs
- update software
- security lock.
- payment processors
- Gift Aid claims
- GBX Core (fixed or portable)
- GBX Mini (handheld)
- CollecTin More (fixed or portable)
- Payaz Giving Station (fixed)
- DIY - Give A Little App + Android smartphone or tablet + SumUp Air card reader
Screen size
5.5 inch (GBX Core)
- 7 inch (CollecTin More).
- 10 inch Payaz Giving Station.
- DIY supports screen sizes from 3.5 inches
Battery life
Up to 4 hours (GBX Core)
Up to 6 hours (CollecTin More)
Security/ anti-theft
Kensington lock
Kensington lock CollecTin More can additionally be padlocked via its optional mount
WiFi & Cellular
WiFi & Cellular
Range from podiums to a Giving Plate designed for churches
CollecTin More has an optional mount for fixing to the wall/ countertop
Device purchase price
From £375
- From £320 (device partners)
- DIY from £100
Monthly fee
Monthly service fee (min period 12 months) Starting at £17.50
Monthly fee. (no minimum period) Starting at £0.00 then tiers from £7.50
Monthly service fee tiered based on time period:
- 6 months - £60
- 12 months - £50
- 24 months - £35
- 36 months - £30
Negotiable (CollecTin More)
Transaction fees
2.5% +10p per donation
- 1.4% +20p per donation Stripe
- 1.69% SumUp
- 2.5% SumUp online
Client Testimonials:
You can read a range of testimonials from charities using Give A Little including
Ready to get started?
We hope that you have found this comparison guide useful. Please do not hesitate to contact us at